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CHASE Press Release - 28th April, 2009

Please note that the evidence referred to in the Press Release below from Thomas Cleary on behalf of indaver was circulated today, and was due for presentation today, but is now scheduled for presention tomorrow, Wed 29 April instead.

Recomendations by Indaver that the in the event of an explosion or major accident, students and staff at the nearby Maritime College can run to Haulbowline Island and use the toxic island as an emergency shelter have set alarm bells ringing with CHASE and CIT Students Union President, Gearoid Buckley (see below for contact).

These recommendations were outlined today as part of the evidence presented by Thomas Cleary, Byrne O’Cleirigh under the heading Safety and Major Accident Hazards who stated “the Island itself could provide a perfectly acceptable evacuation route and safe haven for College Staff.......should they or the Emergency Services deem it appropriate to evacuate the immediate environs or the College”

This statement shows an appalling contempt by Indaver for the safety of the students, particularly when the proposed toxic shelter is directly in the prevailing winds of the proposed incinerator, and acknowledges the real risk of a serious accident or explosion.

“Haulbowline known to be the most polluted place in the country - to expect students to take shelter under a cloud of Chromium 6 is nothing short of ridiculuous. This recommendation shows Indaver's total disregard for safety, and disrespect for the students and local community.”

CIT Students Union is objecting to the proposal on behalf of the students at the National Maritime College of Ireland.


Mary O’Leary, 086 8177737, 021 4811952
Mary Hurley, 086 8162448, 021 4803070
Linda FitzPatrick, 087 7410849, 021 4374506
Gearoid Buckley, Presidents CIT Students Union - 086 8366608


Cork Harbour Alliance for a Safe Environment
Bishop's Road, Cobh, Co. Cork
Tel - 021 481 5564      Email -
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